
in development


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most intentionally
death to the trees
quite conspicuously

sir arthur and charming molly

as noble Sir Arthur
one morning did ride
with his hounds at his feet
and his sword by his side
he saw a fair maid
sitting under a tree
he asked of her name
and her name was Molly,
oh charming Molly
you my matron shall be
to draw the red wine
for yourself and for me
i'll make you a lady
so high in degree
if you will but love me
my charming Molly
i'll give you fine ribbons
i'll give you fine rings
i'll give you fine jewels
and many fine things
even a petticoat
flounced to the knee
if you will but love me
my charming Molly,
i don't want your ribbons
and none of your rings
and none of your jewels
and other fine things
i've got a petticoat
that suits my degree
i'll not wed a husband
till his wifes death decree,
then charming Molly
lend me your penknife
and i will go home
and i'll kill my own wife
i'll kill my own wife
and my children three
if you will but love me
my charming Molly,
oh noble Sir Arthur
it must not be so
go home to your wife
and let nobody know
for seven long years
i will wait upon thee
and never wed a man
till his wifes death decree,
now seven long years
are gone and are past
the old woman went
to her long home at last
the old woman died
and Sir Arthur was free
and soon came a courting
to charming Molly
now charming Molly
in her carriage did ride
with her hounds at her feet
and her lord by her side
now all you fair maids
take a warning by me,
never wed a husband
till his wifes death decree,

Old Poor Barleycorn

there came three men
in from the west
their victory to try
and so they had
a common end
poor Barleycorn must die
they took a plow
and plowed him in
put earth upon his head
and then they took
a solemn oath
poor Barleycorn was dead
so now he sleeps
within the ground
till rain began to fall
then Barleycorn
sprung up his head
and so amazed them all
there he remained
till midsummer
according to their plan
then Barleycorn
had grown a beard
and so became a man
then they sent men
with sickles sharp
to cut him off at knee
and then little
poor Barleycorn
was served barbarously
then they sent men
with pitchforks strong
to pierce him through the heart
like a dreadful
grim tragedy
they bound him to a cart
and then they brought
him to a barn
a prison to endure
And so they fetched
him out again
and laid him on the floor
then they set men
with holly clubs
to beat his flesh from bones
the miller served
him worse than that
ground him between two stones
oh Barleycorn
the finest grain
to ever sow the land
it can do more
than any grain
by turning of your hand
it will turn a
boy to a man
and man into an ass
it will change your
gold to silver
and silver into brass
makes the huntsman
hunt the fox
that never wound his horn
it will bring the
tinker to stocks
that people may him scorn
it will put sack
into a glass
and wine into the can
and it will cause
a man to drink
till he no longer stands